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     Public health concerns resulted in legislation addressing solid waste disposal. New laws criminalized pollution and incentivized recycling. Recycling was not enough. More laws were passed. Regulations and mandates were handed down, but these enactments contained no "carrot incentives." The stick of sanction was used to foster obedience. Few resources were included to fund compliance.


     The collection and aggregation of household trash became regulated. The cost was borne by local government. Trial and error in the field eventually revealed ways local governments could afford to comply federal environmental mandates. 




     Three paradigms emerged from that period of trial and error. The first two are closely related - waste collection and disposal services were (1) funded through local property taxes or (2) residents paid a flat fee billed separated from property taxes for pick up, regardless of how much trash was thrown away. Most communities use one or the other.


     An alternative system is called pay-as-you-throw. Oftentimes, where there is no pay as you throw program in place, it is because in many cases, local officials either are not aware of pay-as-you-throw or haven’t considered how it might work in their community. It arose to address the shortcomings of the other two systems. Those shortcomings were - (a) Neither fairly apportions the burden of costs & (b) neither are truly self-sustaining.


     Because both strategies unfairly apportion costs & both require subsidies to break even, Pay-As-You-Throw evolved as a solution that fairly apportions cost and generally requires no subsidy from the government.



     Previous pay-as-you-throw methods have their own issues. Citizens must purchase bags or stickers from either common shopping areas or convenience sites; alternatively, citizens may rent containers which are paid for whether or not in use during the billing cycle. Systemic flaws exist within each method – be it bag, sticker, or container. Bags and stickers build in avenues of fraud as well as resistance or non-compliance due to inconvenience in obtaining the authorized disposal mechanisms. 



     When a solution charges users on the basis of volume and usage, costs are fairly apportioned. If those who use more-more often, are charged accordingly than those who have less volume on fewer uses, costs are fairly apportioned. Additionally, a previous system where solid waste management is a payable, becomes a recurring receivable.




     A Gumpster does not have the flaws set out above.  In fact, is conforms rigorously to the traits of the ideal solution.  It eliminates the purchasing and reselling bags and/or stickers by eliminating bags and stickers. It shuts down avenues for fraud and softens resistance to, or non-compliance due to the inconvenience in obtaining the authorized disposal mechanisms.
     Similarly, there are neither extra containers to rent nor associated recurring charges for unnecessary capacity.  The Gumpster does this while providing fairly apportioned fees resulting in the ideal integrated solid waste management system.


     With the patented state of the art Gumpster Solid Waste Management Aggregator, Gumpsters LLLP has developed technology that puts a paywall at the point of disposal for the consumer.  It can be cashless, needs no attendant and is proudly built in the USA.


     For anyone interested in Gumpsters pay-as-you-throw - Individuals, businesses and civic groups looking for more information on how the Gumpster is an integral part of a balanced solid waste management plan, can request additional information by calling or clicking here.


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